Wine & Spirit All Party Parliamentary Group Call for Evidence: Impact of wine import documentation post-Brexit transition inquiry

The Wine and Spirit All Party Parliamentary Group (WSAPPG) is pleased to announce a call for evidence into the potential impact on the UK wine trade of rolling over current EU regulations on wine import documentation (known as a VI-1) once the transition period ends.  The inquiry will be facilitated by the APPG secretariat, the Wine & Spirit Trade Association.

The aim of the inquiry is to examine the purpose of the VI-1 form and how the current rules work in practice, the implications of introducing this requirement for wine from the EU, whether such a system is fit for purpose for a UK outside of the EU, and what improvements/changes could be made to encourage future trade. A report will be produced based on evidence and made publicly available, including recommendations to Government.

The APPG is planning to take written and oral evidence from any stakeholders with an interest or experience in the wine industry or trade facilitation who can offer a constructive contribution to the inquiry.

Terms of reference

Please read the Terms of Reference (TOR) before submitting your evidence. Submissions that do not meet the criteria outlined in the TOR will not be considered.



Purpose of the VI-1 form  

Implications of introducing VI-1s for wine moving between the EU and UK 

What improvements/changes could be made to encourage future trade